Category Archives: Buddhist

786…Butterfly Theory

Om Ah hung

yod he ho va

Om namaya Shivayah

La ee la ha ill Allah

Allah Hu

ya Hu



Butterfly Theory

if you blink, you will miss it

am eye a sufi dreaming eye am a butterfly


am eye a butterfly dreaming eye am a sufi

existing but not existing

yes and no at the same time

a paradox

imagine God not BEing God

imposible imposibility

man suffers from senility

spiritual agility

inconceivable spiritual ability

spirit OMNIpresent

yet existing in the present

soul plane vibrates slower

eye am you are

the All knower


eye guess this

may come as a surprise to you

living in total darkness


without a clue

to the real U

never born

before the womb

existing eternally

after the tomb

eye traveled between the space of sound

to a spiritual void

no time

no space




the space beyond space

eternal blackness


yes eye

vividly REmember

the space between the inhale and the exhale


the drop contains the Ocean

the wave returns to the Ocean

butterfly theory

En-LIGHT-n state of awareness


shadow-less Light form

from billions of years ago

in the blink of an eye

50,000 thousand years pass

less than an hour in a day to God

mind reverse mind stop

walls tumble

time and space crumble

walk like drunk munk

intoxicated stumble

ancient arabic hebrew sadskrit mantra mumble

vibrate like bumble

bees wings

brought back to earth

by the sting

when the witness

beheld the Witness

the only thing eye could do

was laugh


Butterfly Theory

love and light— sufi ananda

786…Approaching Divinity


Becoming transparent

eye manifest divinity

me, myself, and eye,

Form the Holy Trinity

in oneness

my essence knows no multiplicity

The vibration of light slowed down creates matter

Meditation stills the chatter

of the mind

The first rung of the ladder

of self-realization

is hard to find

It lies at the base of the spine

  eye have been in heaven several times

When the serpent started to climb

eye was intoxicated by celestial wine

Engulfed by the light

in reality eye do not exist

The lover dies in the love of the fire of the beloved’s kiss

I am that I am

eye am approaching divinity

18,000 universes exist inside of me

The self of the Self can only be measured by infinity

Definitely, definitively eye am approaching divinity

Seeing myself beyond the body on the astral plane of the soul

was completely perplexing

Etheric light body

kissed by 3 immortal fish

from the see of darkness 4 gates in in the sky opened

Some things are not to be spoken

Extreme states of bliss preceded gnosis

disappearing in oneness from the closeness

Becoming transparent

eye manifest divinity

me, myself, and God

form the Holy Trinity

in oneness

My essence knows no multiplicity

The vibration of light slowed down made me. –


from the introduction of my book “Be Still and Know.” available at

——this saturday sufi will be doing a lecture in atlanta on sufism

786…Mahamudra is Enlightenment !!!

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  Tilopa’s Mahamudra Instruction to Naropa
in Twenty Eight Verses   

Homage to the Eighty Four Mahasiddhas!
Homage to Mahamudra!
Homage to the Vajra Dakini!Mahamudra cannot be taught. But most intelligent Naropa,
Since you have undergone rigorous austerity,
With forbearance in suffering and with devotion to your Guru,
Blessed One, take this secret instruction to heart.

Is space anywhere supported? Upon what does it rest?
Like space, Mahamudra is dependant upon nothing;
Relax and settle in the continuum of unalloyed purity,
And, your bonds loosening, release is certain.

Gazing intently into the empty sky, vision ceases;
Likewise, when mind gazes into mind itself,
The train of discursive and conceptual thought ends
And supreme enlightenment is gained.

Like the morning mist that dissolves into thin air,
Going nowhere but ceasing to be,
Waves of conceptualization, all the mind’s creation, dissolve,
When you behold your mind’s true nature.

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Pure space has neither colour nor shape
And it cannot be stained either black or white;
So also, mind’s essence is beyond both colour and shape
And it cannot be sullied by black or white deeds.

The darkness of a thousand aeons is powerless
To dim the crystal clarity of the sun’s heart;
And likewise, aeons of samsara have no power
To veil the clear light of the mind’s essence.

Although space has been designated “empty”,
In reality it is inexpressible;
Although the nature of mind is called “clear light”,
Its every ascription is baseless verbal fiction.

The mind’s original nature is like space;
It pervades and embraces all things under the sun.
Be still and stay relaxed in genuine ease,
Be quiet and let sound reverberate as an echo,
Keep your mind silent and watch the ending of all worlds.

The body is essentially empty like the stem of a reed,
And the mind, like pure space, utterly transcends
the world of thought:
Relax into your intrinsic nature with neither abandon nor control –
Mind with no objective is Mahamudra –
And, with practice perfected, supreme enlightenment is gained.

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The clear light of Mahamudra cannot be revealed
By the canonical scriptures or metaphysical treatises
Of the Mantravada, the Paramitas or the Tripitaka;
The clear light is veiled by concepts and ideals.

By harbouring rigid precepts the true samaya is impaired,
But with cessation of mental activity all fixed notions subside;
When the swell of the ocean is at one with its peaceful depths,
When mind never strays from indeterminate, non-conceptual truth,
The unbroken samaya is a lamp lit in spiritual darkness.

Free of intellectual conceits, disavowing dogmatic principles,
The truth of every school and scripture is revealed.
Absorbed in Mahamudra, you are free from the prison of samsara;
Poised in Mahamudra, guilt and negativity are consumed;
And as master of Mahamudra you are the light of the Doctrine.

The fool in his ignorance, disdaining Mahamudra,
Knows nothing but struggle in the flood of samsara.
Have compassion for those who suffer constant anxiety!
Sick of unrelenting pain and desiring release, adhere to a master,
For when his blessing touches your heart, the mind is liberated.

KYE HO! Listen with joy!
Investment in samsara is futile; it is the cause of every anxiety.
Since worldly involvement is pointless, seek the heart of reality!

In the transcending of mind’s dualities is Supreme vision;
In a still and silent mind is Supreme Meditation;
In spontaneity is Supreme Activity;
And when all hopes and fears have died, the Goal is reached.

Beyond all mental images the mind is naturally clear:
Follow no path to follow the path of the Buddhas;
Employ no technique to gain supreme enlightenment.

KYE MA! Listen with sympathy!
With insight into your sorry worldly predicament,
Realising that nothing can last, that all is as dreamlike illusion,
Meaningless illusion provoking frustration and boredom,
Turn around and abandon your mundane pursuits.

Cut away involvement with your homeland and friends
And meditate alone in a forest or mountain retreat;
Exist there in a state of non-meditation
And attaining no-attainment, you attain Mahamudra.

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A tree spreads its branches and puts forth leaves,
But when its root is cut its foliage withers;
So too, when the root of the mind is severed,
The branches of the tree of samsara die

A single lamp dispels the darkness of a thousand aeons;
Likewise, a single flash of the mind’s clear light
Erases aeons of karmic conditioning and spiritual blindness.

KYE HO! Listen with joy!
The truth beyond mind cannot be grasped by any faculty of mind;
The meaning of non-action cannot be understood in compulsive activity;
To realise the meaning of non-action and beyond mind,
Cut the mind at its root and rest in naked awareness.

Allow the muddy waters of mental activity to clear;
Refrain from both positive and negative projection –
leave appearances alone:
The phenomenal world, without addition or subtraction, is Mahamudra.

The unborn omnipresent base dissolves your impulsions and delusions:
Do not be conceited or calculating but rest in the unborn essence
And let all conceptions of yourself and the universe melt away.

The highest vision opens every gate;
The highest meditation plumbs the infinite depths;
The highest activity is ungoverned yet decisive;
And the highest goal is ordinary being devoid of hope and fear.

At first your karma is like a river falling through a gorge;
In mid-course it flows like a gently meandering River Ganga;
And finally, as a river becomes one with the ocean,
It ends in consummation like the meeting of mother and son.

If the mind is dull and you are unable to practice these instructions,
Retaining essential breath and expelling the sap of awareness,
Practising fixed gazes – methods of focussing the mind,
Discipline yourself until the state of total awareness abides.

When serving a karmamudra, the pure awareness
of bliss and emptiness will arise:
Composed in a blessed union of insight and means,
Slowly send down, retain and draw back up the bodhichitta,
And conducting it to the source, saturate the entire body.
But only if lust and attachment are absent will that awareness arise.

Then gaining long-life and eternal youth, waxing like the moon,
Radiant and clear, with the strength of a lion,
You will quickly gain mundane power and supreme enlightenment.

May this pith instruction in Mahamudra
Remain in the hearts of fortunate beings

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786…The science of Sufism and God Realization


In this lecture we will discuss the 7 levels of the soul, the 4 enemies of self, and the path to God-Self…we will have a sufi chanting(zikr) circle after the lecture. this lecture will be broadcast live for free on the Black and Nobel website. 7-10pm FRIDAY JAN. 18TH…..10$ donation at the door. Love and Light


786…the sufi and the hindu—Q & A

What is the purpose of life? How can one be enlighten?
hello Master,,, I asked u some queries,, U havn’t reply me yet !!!

u are the master eye am the student…smile the purpose of life is to become GOD!!! the best way to reach enlightenment is to become the student of one who is ENLIGHTENED… in reality both of your questions are the same. the purpose of life is to become enlightened, ie become DIVINE…
Bt I think nobody can be GOD,,, Yes I agree with U that we can become DIVINE,, but not GOD sir,

God is the Only reality…smile
yeah I understand but we (humanbeings) can’t call ourself GOD

Are u a spirtual guru?

it is NOT a point of calling yourself God
the essence of man is God
is thw wave different from the Ocean. just aas the source of the wave and substance od the wave is the Ocean
it is the same with man and God
ha ha ha
spiritual guru,
what is that?
okay I understand, wt u want to say,,, An enlightened personality,
have u experienced Astral???

the astral plane is a very low level in the God relization
and yes, eye have been there several times
woww,, I also wish to experience it in my life.. wd u plz guide me in this regard?

one should not seek for different planes of existence
one should seek for the ONE
Brahman, Allah
in doing this
u will naturaly traverse these different planes of existence
but everybody needs a person under whom supervision he can learn,,, Is this enhance the Astral skill that to concentrate in jungles and places like graveyard at night

are you in india?
where do u live my friend
yes I live in India in JAMMU

there should be a true master in your area
find him or her
it will be good for u
there is not much eye can do for you at this great distance
do u know his/her name, as it is a big place?
how can I search
Its difficult… show me the way

you must raise your vibration by chanting mantra and fasting
by doing this u will draw the mercy of the master you you
the master is in a village to the north east of you
eye can feel his/her presence from here!!!!
wud u plz mention his place?
I’ll surely follow him/her

ha ha cant make it to easy for you
u must raise your vibration and search within
the outer master is a manifestation of your inner reality
Some of your words saying me tat, Man is the master of himself
As u are talking of me.
okay I’ll try my best ,.,., have a gud time sir…

yes but the master on the outside calls forth the manifestation of the master on the inside
gudnight sir

do u know the gayatri mantra?
and thanks for ur kind help
yes I know

do u practice islam or hinduism?
hinduism and bhuddism… bt at the very Ist I belive on humanity

ok recite the gayatri mantra just befor sunrise until after sunrise for the next 28 days
wht difference does it makes

fast on mondays and do some time of weekly pooja to Ganesh with the intention of finding the master and HE will manifest to you if you do all of this with SINCERITY
guru gita
really thanks alot,, and how many times I hanve to recite the gyatri mantra

at least 3×108
but u must start just befor sunrise
until after sunrise
at sunrise the high masters sit facing the east and see everything
at least
okay will surely follow this frm today,

al hum do li la
may the force be with you
the master is waiting on U
Hari Om —— Om Shanti

Hari Om tat va sat
ya Allah
ya Hu
namaste ,, Allah hu,,, OM

also pay close attention to your dreams when you sleep after the mantra
the master may visit u…..
u r making me happy by saying this
let’s hope for thebest.

dont worry
if your intention to find the master is pure
my master came to me on the astral plane
6months befor eye met him in the physical relm
🙂:-) I wish if it will happen with me too..:-):-)
Chat Conversation End

786…questions and answers on Tantra, sex, God & relationships

Name: Sufi Ananda

Age: Eternal BEing having a human experience. EYE have been on this earth 43yrs.


How do you feel about your relationship with yourself?

Being Divine, eye love my relationship with God/Self.

What is your spiritual path or belief system?

My path is the path of Love. The way of the sufi is Love/bhakti. Eye am a Hindu to a Hindu, a Buddist to a Buddist, a Muslim to a Muslim, and a Christian to a Christian.


What is your perception of intimacy and spirituality, how do they relate?

Tantric sex is one of the Highest ways to worship God. Only God can make love with God!!! God in me makes love with God in you. This is the tantric way. Non Duality. In unity there in only ONE being making love with SELF…

Approximately how many relationships have you had? How do you feel about this number?

ha ha ha…what a funny question. In the hundreds of past life times eye have had, it would be impossible for me to know the number of relationships eye have had.

How do you feel about your body-overall?

Eye am not the body. Eye am a Light being inhabiting this body. Sometimes eye came as a woman. This time eye came as a man…smile.. Eye love this body this time.
How do you feel about women/feminine energy?

The first God was a woman! Man in his ignorance made God masculine. Eye am a worshiper of the Divine Goddess. in the sufi way we learn that the secret of Allah is inside of the woman. Feminine energy is Gods energy. the secret of Lord Shiva is his consort Shakti…

How do you feel about men/masculine energy?

next men have no clue and focus tooo much on the masculine energy. Spiritual energy is of a feminine nature. The soul is feminine. the sufi journey takes  place on the plane of the soul.
What is your understanding of energy healing, energy flow or the process of energy movement or awakening?

Kundalini is at the base of the spine. Sri Ganesh is the guardian of this gate. when this gate is open, it allows the serpert power to rise up the central Chanel(if it is balanced) to the crown chakra. at this point God and man are ONE.

What do you feel are the biggest issues in your current relationship, or the most recent relationship that had the most significance to you?

Some women have a fear of exploring new systems of relationships, and are stuck in the old western system which does not work for men on the spiritual path.

Why are you interested in the art of tantra?

Eye want to perfect the art of tantra. Eye want to experience God during sexual union. Eye want to master the mulabudra lock and semen retention which will allow me to give my partner extreme bliss and multiple orgasms for healing and Enlightenment.

What are your goals in starting a Spiritual Journey and working on yourself?

My goal is to manifest my innate Divine power to its fullest potential in this life. Sacred tantra is one way to awaken the God self.

What is your desire for a healthy sexual relationship?

My desire is to have no desire. to be and exist in the eternal NOW.  Buddha has said “desire and ignorance are the root cause of all suffering.”

Are you presently in therapy? If you are presently in therapy, would you explain what your goals are with your current therapist?

Allah, Muhammad, Krishna, Ganesh, Buddha, Quan Yin are my therapists. the goal of my therapy is to become one with my Therapist…smile.

living in the light of love…sufi ananda

786…the rose of sufism, in da hood

The blessed month is hear

Ramadan Kareem

The fast is a quickening

All eye see is Light

Return of the sufi  jedi…LOL …last night we sang a song to God that caused the heavens to open and the angels to descend. Our sufi school in phily is in da hood. Most of the people can’t believe we are Muslims because we have Native American, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Christian and Jewish symbols hanging up in our school. Yesterday we had a cookout for the neighborhood children during our fast. We prayed the sunset prayer in the school and broke the fast as a community. After the diner, we left the door of the school open and we started chanting Mu hay bu nafi(a sufi poem/qasida by Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba). Then we started chanting LA EE LA HA ILL ALLAH in a state of ecstasy. As the chanting grew louder and more intense, the neighbors came out of their house to look in our door and windows to see what was going on. As words of praise filled the air, when eye looked outside there was at least 10 people outside listening. This was a wonderful night at our sufi school in phily. God willing we will have the circle every Wednesday during Ramadan.

Sufism is a rose garden. The sufis say “if you stay around a rose garden, one day you will begin to smell like a rose.” Sufism is a living tradition. Sufism is a fragrant perfume that you must receive from a a living tradition. It is not something you can find in books or on the internet. Sufism is what comes from one heart of a Lover of God to another heart of a Lover of God. Sufism is the path of love and intoxication with God. Love is the wine of the sufi mystic. Last night there was wine in the tavern….and we ALL BECAME INTOXICATED….


Light night

we sang a song to God that opened the heavens

last night our cup ran-eth over

wine flowed into the streets

intoxicating the passerby and the on lookers

last night

the tavern stayed open late

we all drank, and drank and drank from the vats of love

until the distillery of love

was finished

living in the light of love…sufi ananda

if you would like to visit our sufi school email sufi at

888…The Prayer of Kungtuzangpo

The Prayer of Kungtuzangpo

The Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra


Everything – appearance and existence, samsara and nirvana –
Has a single Ground, Yet two paths and two fruitions,
And magically displays as Awareness or unawareness.

Through Kungtuzangpo’s prayer, may all beings become Buddhas,
Completely perfected in the abode of the Dharmadhatu.

The Ground of all is uncompounded,
And the self-arising Great Expanse, beyond expression,
Has neither the name ‘samsara’ nor ‘nirvana’.
Realizing just this, you are a Buddha;
Not realizing this, you are a being wandering in samsara.

I pray that all you beings of the three realms
May realize the true meaning of the inexpressible Ground.
I, Kungtuzangpo, have realized the truth of this Ground,
Free from cause and condition,
Which is just this self-arising Awareness.

It is unstained by outer expression and inner thought,
Affirmation or denial, and is not defiled
By the darkness of unmindfulness.
Thus this self-manifesting display is free from defects.

I, Kungtuzangpo, abide as Intrinsic Awareness.
Even though the three realms were to be destroyed, there is no fear.

There is no attachment to the five desirable qualities of sense objects.
In self-arising consciousness, free of thoughts,
There is neither solid form nor the five poisons.
In the unceasing clarity of Awareness,
Singular in essence, there yet arises the display of the five wisdoms.

From the ripening of these five wisdoms,
The five original Buddha families emerge,
And through the expanse of their wisdom
The forty-two peaceful Buddhas appear.
Through the arising power of the five wisdoms
The sixty wrathful Herukas manifest.
Thus the Ground Awareness is never mistaken or wrong.

I, Kungtuzangpo, am the original Buddha of all,
And through this prayer of mine
May all you beings who wander in the three realms of samsara
Realize this self-arising Awareness,
And may your great wisdom spontaneously increase!

My emanations will continuously manifest
In billions of unimaginable ways,
Appearing in forms to help you beings who can be trained.

From the beginning you beings are deluded
Because you do not recognize the Awareness of the Ground.
Beings thus unmindful of what occurs is delusion-
The very state of unawareness and the cause of going astray.

From this delusive state comes a sudden fainting away
And then a subtle consciousness of wavering fear.
From that wavering there arises a separation of self
And the perception of others as enemies.

Gradually the tendency of separation strengthens,
And from this the circle of samsara begins.
Then the emotions of the five poisons develop-
The actions of these emotions are endless.

You beings lack awareness because you are unmindful,
And this is the basis of your going astray.
Through my prayer, may all you beings recognize your Intrinsic Awareness

    Innate unawareness means unmindfulness and distraction.

Imputing unawareness means dualistic thoughts towards self and others.
Both kinds of unawareness are the basis for the delusion of all beings.

Through Kungtuzangpo’s prayer
May all you beings wandering in samsara
Clear away the dark fog of unmindfulness,
Clear away the clinging thoughts of duality!
May you recognize your own Intrinsic Awareness!

Dualistic thoughts create doubt.
From subtle attachment to this dualistic turn of mind
Dualistic tendencies become stronger and thicker.

Food, wealth, clothes, home, and friends,
The five objects of the senses, and your beloved family-
All these things cause torment by creating longing and desire.
These are all worldly delusions; the activities of grasping and clinging are endless.

When the fruition of attachment ripens, you are born as a hungry ghost,
Tormented by coveting and desiring, miserable, starving and thirsty.

Through Kungtuzangpo’s prayer may all you desirous and lustful beings
Who have attachments, neither reject longing desires,
Nor accept attachment to desires.

Let your consciousness relax in its own natural state,
Then your Awareness will be able to hold its own.
May you achieve the wisdom of perfect discernment!

When external objects appear, the subtle consciousness of fear will arise.
From this fear, the habit of anger becomes stronger and stronger.
Finally, hostility comes causing violence and murder.
When the fruition of this anger ripens, you will suffer in hell by boiling and burning.

Through Kungtuzangpo’s prayer, you beings of the six realms,
When strong anger arises for you, neither reject nor accept it.
Instead relax in the natural state and achieve the wisdom of clarity!

When your mind becomes full of pride
There will arise thoughts of competition and humiliation.
As this pride become stronger and stronger,
You will experience the suffering of quarrels and abuse.

When the fruition of this karma ripens, you will be born in the God Realms
And experience the suffering of change and falling to lower rebirths.

Through Kungtuzangpo’s prayer, may you beings who develop pride,
Let your consciousness relax in the natural state.
Then your Awareness will be able to hold its own.
May you achieve the wisdom of equanimity!

By increasing the habit of duality, by praising yourself and denigrating others,
Your competitive mind will lead you to jealousy and fighting,
And you will be born in the Jealous God Realm, where there is much killing and injury.
From the result of that killing, you will fall into the Hell Realm.

Through Kungtuzangpo’s prayer, when jealousy and competitive thoughts arise,
Do not grasp them as enemies.
Just relax in ease, then consciousness can hold its own natural state.
May you achieve the wisdom of unobstructed action!

By being distracted, careless and unmindful,
You beings will become dull, foggy and forgetful.
By being unconscious and lazy, you will increase your ignorance
And the fruition of this ignorance will be to wander helplessly in the Animal Realm.

Through Kungtuzangpo’s prayer,
May you beings who have fallen into the dark pit of ignorance
Shine the light of mindfulness and thereby achieve wisdom free from thought.

All you beings of the three realms are actually identical to Buddhas, the Ground of all.
But your misunderstanding of the Ground causes you to go astray,
So you act without aim.
The six karmic actions are a delusion, like a dream.

I am the Primordial Buddha here to train the six kinds of beings
Through all my manifestations.
Through Kungtuzangpo’s prayer may all you beings without exception
Attain enlightenment in the state of Dharmadhatu.

Ah Ho!
Hereafter, whenever a very powerful yogin
With his or her Awareness radiant and free from delusion
Recites this very powerful prayer, then all who hear it
Will achieve enlightenment within three lifetimes.

During a solar or lunar eclipse, during an earthquake, or when the earth rumbles,
At the solstices or the new year, you should visualize Kungtuzangpo.
And if you pray loudly so all can hear,
Then beings of the three realms will be gradually liberated from suffering,
Through the prayer of the yogin and will finally achieve enlightenment.

This prayer was taken from the ninth chapter of the Dzogchen Teachings of the Gongpa Zangthal the Northern Treasures discovered by the Terton Rigdzin Godem.

786…7 principles of Self Realization

“Herein is expounded the means of attaining


for the acquisition of final liberation. Only the pure in heart should constantly and with all effort meditate upon the truth herein taught.” – Sri Sankara

From this day forward know that the true Self(atman) is God(Brahman)! The worst slavery in the world is the false teaching that God is outside of Self. May this wisdom of Self Knowledge rid us all of this poison, and be an aid to Self-God Realization. Non Dual Advaita is the science of God based on ONEness. Advaita does not see duality between man and God. One of the founders of this school of philosophy was Sri Sankara. A Hindu proverb says that “knowledge is a benefit to people, and Sri Sankara was a benefit to knowledge.” Sri Sankara’s thought was revolutionary in the time period that he came. Hinduism has 108 deities. Sri Sankara clarified the understanding that all of the Deities that the Hindus worship are manifestations of the ONE Supreme Brahman. Just as in Islam we worship Allah who has 99 attributes. In Hinduism Brahman has 108 attributes, that are worshiped as individual Deities. The 7 principles for Self realization are explained in Sri Sankaras short text “Aparokshanubhuti-Self Realization.” This text serves as a summary, and introduction to my favorite philosophy, Non Dual Advaita. In reality, the 7 principles are qualities that a seeker must have to take the journey to Self Realization.

The first principle is indifference. Indifference means that the seeker should have no attraction to the material things of this world. The example in the text given is that the things of this world should be viewed on the same level as cow dung. Pure indifference means that the seeker is not even interested in the rewards and blessing one may receive from the Creator in another life time or heaven. Ckeikh Abdul Qadir Jilani alluded to this level of pure indifference when he said “sufism is two steps, a step out of this world into heaven, and a step out of heaven into the Divine Presence.

The second principle is discrimination. Discrimination is having the knowledge to know the difference between what is Real, and what is illusion.  In Budist dharma, this is almost the same as the concept of impermanence, which says that all things in the universe are impermanent, and therefor have no real existence. Discrimination is the ability to know/see God as the only reality, and untimely to see and know that the Self is God. One of Sri Sankara’s famous teachings is that “a rope may be mistaken for a snake, but upon finding out that it is a rope, the false existence of the snake disappears.” In his philosophy, the universe and the false self, ego, are represented by the snake. Upon Self realization the Self, God, and the universe are seen as ONE and the same Being, Brahman.

The third principle is abandonment of desires. In the text Sri Sankara says that this means turning away completely from all sense objects. It is previous impressions laying dormant in the mind as well as the contact of the mind with external objects that creates desires. To abandon these desires the mind must become disassociated with the two main causes of desire by purification and meditation. Impressions laying dormant in the mind can be purified  and removed by the use of sufi zikr or sacred mantras from Hinduism and/or Buddhism. Meditation, and the development of focusing the mind on the Divine, through developing one pointedness of the mind, remove the mind from contact with sense objects.

The fourth principle is endurance of all sorrow and pain. One sufi master from our sufi order, Cheikh Ibra Fall used to say “the harder the better.” Our beloved prophet Muhammad(peace be upon Him) has said “if you love Allah, prepare for trials.” In the Holy Quran Allah says ” I test those who try to come close to me. Do not think that you can come close to Me without being tried like those who came before you.” The sufi way is patience during test and trials, and thankfulness  during times of affluence and blessing. From the viewpoint of Non Dual Advaita test and trials are the same as affluence and abundance.

The fifth principle is implicit faith in the words of the Holy scriptures and teachers(Gurus or Cheikhs). It is said in the sufi way “if you doubt you are out.” The seeker must have faith in the teacher, and the method he/she is teaching for Self Realization. The first level of faith is belief. The seeker must believe in the words of the scriptures and the teacher. The seeker must travel from the level of belief, to the level of certainty. It is at the level of certainty that the fruits of the path come to fruition. In this faith principle we find the subtle implication that the scriptures alone are NOT enough for Self Realization. One must find a Self Realized spiritual guide to help guide them on the path.

The sixth principle is concentration of the mind on God, the ONLY Reality. This principle is the end result of Realization. The mind of a Self Realized being is absorbed in God. The mind of a Self Realized being does not see any existence other than God. In the sufi way one of the main mantras/zikr is LA EE LA HA ILL ALLAH. The esoteric meaning of this zikr is God is the only Reality. Constant repetition of this zikr is one way to bring the mind to absorption in God.

The seventh principle is burning desire in the heart for God. This burning desire in the heart for God is the ONLY desire that a seeker should have. This burning desire is a flame in the heart that burns all and everything, leaving only the presence of God. This burning desire for God is a flame that has the power to burn the negative karma of a seeker, opening the way for the seeker to reach Self Realization. Once while sitting with our beloved master Cheikh Betchio in Senegal he said ” I can do anything for a disciple on the path, but if the disciple does not have the internal desire to reach God, there is nothing I can do for him.”

These are the 7 requirements that a seeker must have to journey on the path. Before Sri Sankara starts his explanation he says “only the pure at heart” should meditate on theses teachings. So in essence the 1st and most important unstated principle is having a pure heart. In the Holy Quran Allah says “he indeed succeeds who purifies it.” It, refers to the heart.

living in the light of love…sufi ananda                                                                      

786…Sufism and the 7 chakras-a short lecture by sufi

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