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786 Invisible Sword


The Master from the far east said ” never takes a step backwards, a true jedi .” Traveling in the Light through time, The Master is invisible to the 4 enemies of nafs howa dunya and shaytan. Beyond the laws of yin/yang, karma and duality The Master speaks words of power that act as an Invisible Sword destroying all lower energies before they can reach Him. Sindidi ya la Hu 66x !!!

Master of 1000 Books of spiritual war

Najoul Qadi Al Hadi Shams Al Kubra Al Kabir

Ancient like Sun Moon Star

Khadim Rasool worshiped Allah for 70,000 years

In His Light body before the creation of the last Adam


What brings rain snow hail sleet and earthquakes?

Master of the Power of Now

Existing in the present

without a concept of past or future

beyond the 7 hells of

earth fire water air ether mind and desire

eye died the first time eye saw

Serigne Salihu


Invisible Sword

of Love

Slayer of 786 jinns. What does not kill you only makes Hu stronger. In west Africa the say ” the shit people talk about you becomes fertilizer for your spiritual Ascension.” The devil becomes the friend of the wali(saint). The Master is firmly established in the highest station of Haqqul Yaqin(the Truth of certainty) maintaining inner stillness during the eye of the outer storms of magic and illusion. Impervious to the lower energies of hate, greed, slander, back-biting, anger, greed and lust The Master walks on water beyond the laws of the gravitational pull of the universe.

Barkay Cheikh Ibra Fall 7x

Master of the shariat

Protector of the tariqat

Manifestation of the haqiqat

The inner secret of marifat

Invisible Sword

Fall yaram Fall yaram FALL


Hu Am Eye?

Eye Am That Eye Am

The last water bender

Time and space bender

Light years above these devils

they exist below sea level

Defender of the truth with the truth

Cheikh of Tarbiya  Tarqiya Tasfiya

Return of the Immortal Jade Empeors dragon

from the 36th shaolin celestial chamber of Light

Light upon Light

Allah hul Hayul Qayoom


all powerful tolsam

sun moon style

Ya Fatahu 489x

the 7th gate of heaven

Ha an Wow equal 11

The Master is the mercy of Allah

on the earth in HU-man-form

shine like super nova

The Master will live 4-ev-a

Eye Am His footprint

Invisible Sword


Cheikh Sufi

  • this first day of the month of Hajj 2016
  • Please register for the  Hu Am Eye Sufi Book Study Circle on Sep 05, 2016 7:00 PM EDT at:

    The focus of this ONLINE sufi study circle will be knowledge of self and Allah. In this Circle we will study the writings of the great Sufi masters of the past. Derijef Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Khadim Rasool !

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

    Brought to you by GoToWebinar®
    Webinars Made Easy®

786 introducing the Hu Am Eye online Sufi Book study circle !




 INTRODUCING the Hu Am Eye Sufi Book Study Circle with Cheikh Sufi.

The focus of this ONLINE sufi study circle will be knowledge of self and Allah. In this Circle we will study the writings of the great Sufi masters of the past. NEXT MONDAY August 29th at 7pm we will have a FREE introduction to the illustrious system of Sufism.

Click the link below to join this FREE class.

Derijef Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Khadim Rasool !


Monday Sept 5th. at 7pm will be the FIRST Hu Am Eye Sufi Book Study Circle via webinar online. Insha Allah we will begin studying THE TRIPPLE FLAME inner secrets of Sufism by Bawa Muhaiyadeen. Membership donation is just 25$ a month. Make all donations via paypal to Love and Light – Cheikh Sufi



786 Reflection of Perfection


Barkay Cheikh Ibra Fall 7x

Ancient shaolin Daoist priest in timberlands

Tibetan Tantric Buddhist monk with a cell phone

West African sufi shaman with 129 talismans

Eye Am a long long long way from home


Yea tho eye walk through the valley of the shadow of death

Eye will fear no Shaytan, jinn or the evil plots of wicked men

Immortal Being of Light from beyond the 7th heaven

Eye will never die

Walking of Sunshine

Above the clouds the sky is my sofa

Call on Allah or call on The Rahman

Ya Rahman

La ee la ha ill Allah

Words of power from beyond the matrix of the mind

Sets soul free to travel higher planes of existence

Beyond time

Between the inhale and the exhale exist a place of infinite Bliss

Oneness with the All Ah

Ice water steam are exactly the same thing

Body soul spirit Allah One

Al Ahad As Samad

Remove the facade of multiplicity

We exist in a holographic universe where the part contains the whole

The wave contains the Ocean

Is not a glass of water from the ocean, the Ocean


Reflection of Perfection

Light rays from the sun are manifestations of the essence of the sun

You and Allah are One

You are the One you are waiting on to come

Wake up from the deep sleep of mediocrity

You not manifesting God is a form of hypocrisy

A butterfly has its roots  in the caterpillar

Rough ashlar to a smooth ashlar

The perfect statue exist inside of a raw block of un-carved stone

The reflection of perfection is still perfection

La ee la ha ill Allah

Muhammad dur rasool lu la

Alay he salam

The great sufi master from Moorish spain Ibn Arabi said ‘ Allah sent Himself to Himself with Himself.” What does it mean to be made in the image of God? A perfect artist paints a perfect painting. Allah is perfect and so are ALL of Her creations. You are NOT the mind, body our your emotions. When thine eye becomes single your whole being will be full of Light. You have never known your true self. You exist in a fragmented multiplicity of many false self’s. One self for your job, one self for the nightclub, one self for your spouse, another self for your children, and yet another self for friends and family. Hu are you?

In reality you are Hu. In the Egyptian pyramid story of Osiris his body what cut into 13 pieces. His wife Auset collected the 13 parts and made his body whole again. This is symbolic of your many different false personalities and the need for you to become One. In the Bible is says “if thine I become single thy whole body will be full of Light.” When Light shines through a prism it forms 7 rays. Your true essence is the Light of God before entering into the prism of your physical body and localized consciousness of an individual false I. There is a way to overcome this illusion. The path has many names in many different countries. In west Africa it is called sufism, the path of perfection through Love.


786 a sufi story “Change the world.”

786- Change the World- a sufi story.


As the old man sat motionless on his death bed, the only thing left in the room was, his son, smoke from the burning frankincense, and the feeling that the “time” was at hand. On his mind was a few words of wisdom that he wanted to share with his son, that he was sure he would never see again. He gathered his last bit of strength and motioned to his son to come close. When his son was at the side of his bed, he slowly leaned over, put his hand on his sons shoulder and said “Son when I was a young man about your age, I sat out on a mission to change the world. As time passed I found that the world was too big for one man to change, with all of its problems. So I changed my focus, and set out to change our country. As time passed I could not change our country with all of its problems. I changed my focus again and decided to change our state. When this did not work I decided to change our city, but the problems of our city and state were too much for one man to handle, so I decided to just try and change our neighborhood. Son, as you know there are too many problems in our neighborhood for one man to solve. Now as I lay on my death bed, I have come to the realization that if I would have just set out to change myself, that would have changed our home, which would have had an effect on our neighborhood. The change in our neighborhood would have had an effect on our city. This would have had an effect on our state, which would have in fact helped change our country. Changing our country would have brought forth a change in the world.”

With these final words, the old man took his final breath, laid down, closed his eyes, never to open them again. In the Holy Quran Allah has said “Allah does not change the condition of a people until they first change that which is within THEMSELVES.” Please think about this…love and light— Cheikh  Sufi

786. . . Butterfly Theory

Om Ah hung

yod he ho va

Om namaya Shivayah

La ee la ha ill Allah

Allah Hu

ya Hu



Butterfly Theory

if you blink, you will miss it

am eye a sufi dreaming eye am a butterfly


am eye a butterfly dreaming eye am a sufi

existing but not existing

yes and no at the same time

a paradox

imagine God not BEing God

imposible imposibility

man suffers from senility

spiritual agility

inconceivable spiritual ability

spirit OMNIpresent

yet existing in the present

soul plane vibrates slower

eye am you are

the All knower


eye guess this

may come as a surprise to you

living in total darkness


without a clue

to the real U

never born

before the womb

existing eternally

after the tomb

eye traveled between the space of sound

to a spiritual void

no time

no space




the space beyond space

eternal blackness


yes eye

vividly REmember

the space between the inhale and the exhale


the drop contains the Ocean

the wave returns to the Ocean

butterfly theory

En-LIGHT-n state of awareness


shadow-less Light form

from billions of years ago

in the blink of an eye

50,000 thousand years pass

less than an hour in a day to God

mind reverse mind stop

walls tumble

time and space crumble

walk like drunk munk

intoxicated stumble

ancient arabic hebrew sadskrit mantra mumble

vibrate like bumble

bees wings

brought back to earth

by the sting

when the witness

beheld the Witness

the only thing eye could do

was laugh


Butterfly Theory

love and light— sufi ananda

taken from our book


786. . . The Opening of mystic Love

The whole world is a market-place for Love,

For naught that is, from Love remains remote.
The Eternal Wisdom made all things in Love:
On Love they all depend, to Love all turn.
The earth, the heaven, the sun, the moon, the stars
The center of their orbit ends in Love.
By love are all bewildered, stupefied,
Intoxicated by the Wine of Love.
From each, a mystic silence Love demands,
What do all seek so earnestly?
“Tis Love. Love is the subject of their inmost thoughts,
In Love no longer “Thou” and “I” exist,
For self has passed away in the Beloved.
Now will I draw aside the veil from Love,
And in the temple of mine inmost soul
Behold the Friend, Incomparable Love,
He who would know the secret of both worlds
Will find the secret of them both, is Love.

— Maulana Farid-uh-din

In the Holy Quran God has said ” He indeed succeeds who purifies it(the heart).” The heart is the greatest of all mysteries in the physical realm. it is a doorway to the Divine. A window to the spirit world. The heart is the meeting place of the two worlds. The heart is the very Throne of God. when the heart is clear we receive the divine messages of spirit in our visions at night. an unclear heart blocks the messages from spirit that we receive while sleeping. in the Holy Quran Allah says “every night Eye take the soul unto Myself, and return it to the body upon the waking of the sleeper.” Every night the soul goes to what eye call “night school.” every night the soul receives impressions/lessons/images from the Divine. the heart is like a window for the unseen world/spirit plane. if a window is dirty, light can not shine through it. if a window is clean, the light shines though effortlessly. it is the same with the heart. when the heart is pure/clear the lessons the soul learns in “night school” are conveyed to the mind. if the heart window is not pure the images/lessons can not pass from the spirit realm to the mind of the seeker.

in the Holy Bible God/Allah has said “sometimes when Eye want to give you something, Eye give it to you while you are sleep.” in the Holy Quran, again God/Allah has said ” Eye speak to them from behind a veil.” the sufis have found this veil to be the images/symbols one sees in their sleep. the dream world is a map for the traveler of the path. the stations of the soul, and what level of the chakra system the seeker is at, are often conveyed in the dream world. with a pure clean heart these messages/symbols can be received by the mind to be interpreted by the traveler. On the path to Self/God realization the mind, heart and soul must be purified in that order. First the mind must be made pure, then the heart, and finally the soul. the HEART is the meeting place of the mind and the soul.

the Holy Avatar Jesus(peace be upon him) said “the kingdom of heaven is within you.” this heaven that HE spoke of is none other than the HEART. in the Upanishads the mystic hindu ascetics have affirmed that the dwelling place of the Lord Purusha in the body is the Heart. the way of the sufi is the way of the heart. Love is the ruler of the heart. when the heart is ruled by LOVE LOVE LOVE, there is no limit to the heights a spiritual seeker can reach. in the chakra system, the fourth chakra is located inside the heart. the fourth chakra is the seat of LOVE. on my first visit to senegal in 1996, my sufi master Cheikh Bethio(ya nafi yag Thioune) said to me ” the only one closer to Allah than you is the one who loves Allah more than you.”  prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said that God said ” I can not fit into the heavens or the earth, but I fit into the hearts of those who believe in ME.”   may we all make the pilgrimage of the heart to realize and know the true reality of Love, God and the self !!!

“the closest place to meet Allah/God is in the heart” -Noble Drew Ali.

Eye once beheld a most beautiful effulgent LIGHT, about the size of a thumb, in my vision. the LIGHT spoke to me and said ” I AM a secret deep within your heart. know Me and worship ME before you leave this earth.”

love and light – sufi


786. . . in the Blink of an Eye

5 elements of illusion

drop the mind

u will find

no space

no time


Abundance NOW!!! in the blink of an eye “this” will all be gone… my mother used to speak of the eternal now. now eye KNOW. eternal ONE. eternally 1 BEing IS existing alone. have you ever been “alone with the Alone?” what an internal experience. eye was blessed to in-sperience the alone state with the Alone-Allah. Allah alone Is. none else has existence. in this alone state there was no: time, place, objects, people, thoughts, emotions, mind or universe as we know it.

the mystic traveler will traverse many states of being/consciousness on the return to Oneness-non duality. all of the states of being/consciousness are relative until one comes to the state beyond states. a state of knowing(with-out thought) that the true Self is ALL. Allah, the true Self knows Him/Her Self through YOU!!!


once you Know thy Self, you must BE thy Self. learn to drop false masks/ego personalities created by society, and let your true innate Divine State shine. Its time !

Love and Light – sufi ananda

687. . . Falls flake snow A !


Incredible dreams of Butterflies and Allah

in a room that was empty

no-thing is real

Falls flake snow A

in 1 second or less

eye guess

never wish for death

what would make me say

swim with idiots eye don’t

consciousness reversed

by the power of Kun

be and it was

past after present

in the future

eternal now

before the timeless


rainbows remember eye

in Touba

Falls flake snow A

and breaks a bamboo stalk

in the desert

of my


love and light – sufi

 A new insight removes erroneous concepts limited by time. Free your mind. Don’t go to your grave with your music inside. Sing your song of life now, before the ancient of days come. The universe and all it contains is in Divine order. Outer events do not effect the inner peace of a sufi. All is connected. A snow flake that falls on a mountain in Tibet has an effect on a child in a ghetto in new york. Eye wonder if eye was ever born? Experience of the timeless eternal One removed all concepts of life and death. Inner stillness like lake 1000 feet deep.


AWAKE from deep sleep. Looking back even the mistakes are perfect. Allah is the Only power. Everything that happens in your life is perfect. It could not have happened any other way. F.e.a.r. is false evidence appearing real. There is NO devil/negative force making things happen to you. The only negative force is your own negative thoughts words actions. God says in the Quran” the good is from Me, and the bad(negative) is from your own hands.” In 2016 leave/stop all negative thoughts words and action and Begin to Live in the Light of Love.

Say Bis me la ir Rahman ir Raheem 50x every am/pm. This will block some of the negative karma from your past from having a dramatic effect on your present. – sufi

786 FREE Webinar today 7pm. Introduction to west African Sufism


Please register for 786, , , FREE CLASS – Introduction to west African Sufism and Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba on Dec 17, 2015 7:00 PM EST at:

This FREE class is an introduction to the sufi teachings of west African sufi master Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Brought to you by GoToWebinar®
Webinars Made Easy®

786. . . Open the 7th Eye


open the 7th eye. die B4 u die  sufi jedi

shine like super nova

true witness of YOD-HE-HO-VA


light years above the mental


slayer of the four dragons

self, dunya, shaitan, and desires

beyond the laws of duality

true Self exist

non dual adviata tantric alchemist

soul chemist


jade celestial mist

traveling on the tariqat of the true wish

Allah hu Akbar

magic ring conected to sun moon and star

OM sri  sat Guru Amma Guru Namaha…


Hu am eye? the false “i” of duality is an illusion created by the mind.

…on the path of LIGHT, given to us by the african Avatar Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba, the true seeker can obtain the goal of

all seekers, God Realization. this path is for those who seek true knowledge of self. knowledge of self must lead to the

experience of the true self as being one with Allah. the essoteric doctrine of tawheed starts with the lofty realization that

ONLY ALLAH IS REAL, and your true self is not other than THAT…by the process of tazkiya tul nafs (purification of the

soul) the seeker will come to know his innate oneness with Allah. the mind creates the duailty of i and Allah as two

seperate beings. beyond this false since of duality above the mental plane, there is only Allah. it is the true gnostic cheikh

that has the sublime sciene that removes this false since of duality. a rope can be mistaken for a snake. upon the

realization that what one thought to be a snake is a rope, the illusionary existence of the snake is discovered. this is the

same reality with the universe and Allah. Allah is all……love and light sufi ananda